Starting in August of 2011, worked with a small team to successfully raise more than $83,000 in a ten month period to ensure the Weaverville Joss House was removed from the California State Parks closure list.
Activity included:
- Integrating new cloud based internal systems to track leads, donors, follow up to insure that key team members had access to information/ ability to update at any given time
- Recruiting new board members to take on essential operational tasks including a new Treasurer to ensure effective donation management and tracking
- Developing and utilizing a new web presence that includes fundraising capabilities, email newsletter and social media capabilities
- Developing targeted relationships within the Bay Area Chinese community
- Developing and implementing a local fundraising plan that was responsible for 50% of funds raised
- Working closely with local and state elected leaders to leverage their networks for additional donors and legislative assistance
- Coordinating with local and state agency staff