Getting and Staying Strong
About 5 years ago (was in my mid 40’s) I had gotten into both a physical and mental funk. I had experienced a number of personal challenges that had deflated my outlook on life and my body was also in the midst of a potential crisis. I had gotten very lazy with my diet over the previous decade and my gall bladder had started to pay the price from high cholesterol levels, among other things. It was to the point where I would be up all night doubled over in pain and trying to function the next day, several days in a row. Untenable to say the least. It was either change things up or go under the knife. So I did a few things. I started running. Initially this didn’t go to well. I really didn’t know how to run and previous running stints in my life had…
Weaverville Joss House Association
Starting in August of 2011, worked with a small team to successfully raise more than $83,000 in a ten month period to ensure the Weaverville Joss House was removed from the California State Parks closure list. Activity included: Integrating new cloud based internal systems to track leads, donors, follow up to insure that key team members had access to information/ ability to update at any given time Recruiting new board members to take on essential operational tasks including a new Treasurer to ensure effective donation management and tracking Developing and utilizing a new web presence that includes fundraising capabilities, email newsletter and social media capabilities Developing targeted relationships within the Bay Area Chinese community Developing and implementing a local fundraising plan that was responsible for 50% of funds raised Working closely with local and state elected leaders to leverage their networks for additional donors and legislative assistance Coordinating with local…